Blazor .NET 6


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5 days course (8h/day). Learn how to write C# application that run in all browsers thanks the new WebAssembly, specification that is supported by all major browsers. Modern Single Page Applications stressed JavaScript to its limits, and the help of strong types provided by TypeScript can't solve completely its performance problems, its low productivity, and the issue that might be encounterd when linking several hundred JavasCript modules with WebPack.
WebAssemply enables high performnace / high productivity frameworks like .Net Core to be used to implement advanced Single Page Applications. Blazor not only can inject .Net Core code in the user browser but contains also all tools and features needed to build amazing user interfaces with its Balzor components.

In this course you will learn how to build amazing user interfaces with Blazor components and how to build your custom components. You will learn also how to handle your application navigation and security, how to mantain a global state and how to communicate with the server.

Prerequisites: C#.


  • Blazor components and components syntax
  • Pages and navigation
  • Blazor components lifecycle
  • Handling events and creating custom events
  • two-way bindings
  • Forms, input and validation
  • Security, users, roles, claims and supported identity providers
  • Templated components
  • Layouts
  • Dependency injection
  • Interaction with JavaScript code
  • State and error management
  • Communication with the server
  • Localization and Globalization
  • Optimization techniques
  • Publishing your application: compilation and tree-shaking
  • Blazor PWA

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